CNC Coil Winder ARM Controller MKII Software Changelog

Software Version 5.8 changes

Added loop function to the absolute scripting.

Firmware 2.6 must be used with this version.

Software Version 5.7 changes

Updated position counters for 200mm machines.
Small GUI changes.

Added automatic Disengage Motors at the end of script checkbox.
Added invert enable line for Custom Machines.

New Firmware 2.6 must be used with this version.

Software Version 5.6 changes

Fixed pause counter and pause disabled button.

New Firmware 2.5 must be used with this version.

Software Version 5.2 changes

Mini Coil Winder MK6 on Choose Machine page, ready for new machine when released.
Updated Pause and Stop routines that should correct random position Errors.
Updated Flash routines on Absolute Scripting.
New Firmware 2.4 must be used with this version.

Software Version 5.0 changes

Keyboard Mappings updated for Custom Machines.
Analyze Script fixes for comments being inserted on Absolute Scripting.
New Software Manual Version 1.3

Software Version 4.7 changes

Script Analyse absolute position not accurate when moving wire guide.
Ramping Config not resetting correctly if stop button used.
Scripting Homing fix.
Adding Feeder Homing speed box instead of using jog speed.
200mm MK6 selection added to start screen
Custom selection updated to allow all settings to be saved.

Software Version 3.1 changes

Software Version 3.1 changes
This version has lots of new features for the new 200mm Coil Winder MK5 and Quad Winder.

Gone has the auto detect of machine when it is plugged in and now replaced with a menu to choose your machine.

You must use firmware V2.1 that has the new routines updated for the safety hood, push buttons and 3rd Axis support.

Standard Scripting Engine GUI has changed now to support new options and also you can now insert commands in between existing commands.
Fixed also for the Scripting commands was the pause delay.

Limit switches now move away automatically when triggered where as before you had to manually turn the axis.

Lots of small GUI changes and software manual updated to version 1.1

Software Version 2.6 changes

Implemented in CNC ARM Controller MKII Software Version 2.4
Over the years we have been asked if it is possible to run more than one Coil Winding Machine on a single computer.

The answer has always been NO, but after a bit of playing around we have released a new Test version for anyone that has more than one machine and would like to try.
As stated this is a TEST and we do not guarantee performance like you would get with a dedicated computer for each machine.

This will only work with machines fitted with the latest ARM Controller Board MKII.

The Coil Winding Machines we supply all have the same USB VID/PID identification and this will need to be changed on the extra machines that you want to run. This can be done by programming up a different version of the firmware for each machine and also installing a version of the software that will launch multiple sessions.

Here is a list showing which machine should have which firmware programmed into it.

Machine 1

Machine 2

Machine 3

When the test software is launched it will now come up with a Launcher menu as shown below:

So if we chose to launch three machines then it would launch 3 instances of the software and show on each screen which machine it is connected to.

You can download the software Coil Winder ARM Controller MKII Software V2.6 on the link below. This has all three of the firmware versions included in the Zip file. Released 6th June 2020

Software Version 2.3 changes

Main fixes are again for the Absolute Scripting page, to make the commands much smoother on the smaller Mini Coil Winder and also a BETA add ramping routine has been added.

Software Version 2.1 changes

It seems that Microsoft changed it’s USB routines/drivers since releasing Windows 10 build 1803 and this has caused some issues with Absolute Scripting and the buffering routine.
If you are running Windows 10 1803 or below such as Windows 7 or XP then you do not need to upgrade to version 2.1 if you do not wish to for now.
Fixes are mainly erase delays for the on board Flash memory and also added a buffer delay if you find the erase delays are not enough.
Other fixes are cosmetic ones reported by customers.

Software Version 1.9 & Firmware v1.8 changes

Absolute Scripting fix where some commands were not stored correctly at beginning of Sectors in Flash Memory.
Option to not add comments when converting Standard Script to Absolute Script.
Updated Flash Memory Erase routines in Firmware.

Software Version 1.8 changes

Lots of changes to the LVDT Calculator
Fixed some button enables when jogging in pause mode

Software Version 1.7 changes

Error fixed on position when winding completed.

Software Version 1.6 & Firmware v1.7 changes

Beta LVDT Calculator added to Absolute Scripting Tab.
I/O input fixes for people adding external buttons to controller.
Layer Ramping under Automated Tab tweaked.
Other small bug fixes that have been reported.

Firmware v1.4 changes

Absolute Scripting was timing out on last command for certain movements, this is now fixed.

Firmware v1.3 changes

Updated the scripting engine routines.
Added Convert routines for converting Standard Scripts to Absolute Scripts.
Increased USB TTL for improved communications and activated watchdog timer in firmware.
Seek routines added for the Homing switches.